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SNMP devices

SNMP devices

Plugin: go.d.plugin Module: snmp


This collector monitors any SNMP devices and uses the gosnmp package.

It supports:

  • all SNMP versions: SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3.
  • any number of SNMP devices.
  • each SNMP device can be used to collect data for any number of charts.
  • each chart may have any number of dimensions.
  • each SNMP device may have a different update frequency.
  • each SNMP device will accept one or more batches to report values (you can set max_request_size per SNMP server, to control the size of batches).

Keep in mind that many SNMP switches and routers are very slow. They may not be able to report values per second. go.d.plugin reports the time it took for the SNMP device to respond when executed in the debug mode.

Also, if many SNMP clients are used on the same SNMP device at the same time, values may be skipped. This is a problem of the SNMP device, not this collector. In this case, consider reducing the frequency of data collection (increasing update_every).

This collector is supported on all platforms.

This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances of this integration, including remote instances.

Default Behavior


This integration doesn’t support auto-detection.


The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.

Performance Impact

The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.



Find OIDs

Use snmpwalk, like this:

snmpwalk -t 20 -O fn -v 2c -c public
  • -t 20 is the timeout in seconds.
  • -O fn will display full OIDs in numeric format.
  • -v 2c is the SNMP version.
  • -c public is the SNMP community.
  • is the SNMP device.



The configuration file name for this integration is go.d/snmp.conf.

You can edit the configuration file using the edit-config script from the Netdata config directory.

cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
sudo ./edit-config go.d/snmp.conf


The following options can be defined globally: update_every, autodetection_retry.

Name Description Default Required
update_every Data collection frequency. 1 False
autodetection_retry Recheck interval in seconds. Zero means no recheck will be scheduled. 0 False
hostname Target ipv4 address. True
community SNMPv1/2 community string. public False
options.version SNMP version. Available versions: 1, 2, 3. 2 False
options.port Target port. 161 False
options.retries Retries to attempt. 1 False
options.timeout SNMP request/response timeout. 10 False
options.max_request_size Maximum number of OIDs allowed in one one SNMP request. 60 False SNMPv3 user name. False Security level of SNMPv3 messages. False
user.auth_proto Security level of SNMPv3 messages. False Authentication protocol for SNMPv3 messages. False
user.auth_key Authentication protocol pass phrase. False
user.priv_proto Privacy protocol for SNMPv3 messages. False
user.priv_key Privacy protocol pass phrase. False
charts List of charts. [] True Chart ID. Used to uniquely identify the chart. True
charts.title Chart title. Untitled chart False
charts.units Chart units. num False Chart family. False
charts.type Chart type (line, area, stacked). line False
charts.priority Chart priority. 70000 False
charts.multiply_range Used when you need to define many charts using incremental OIDs. [] False
charts.dimensions List of chart dimensions. [] True
charts.dimensions.oid Collected metric OID. True Dimension name. True
charts.dimensions.algorithm Dimension algorithm (absolute, incremental). absolute False
charts.dimensions.multiplier Collected value multiplier, applied to convert it properly to units. 1 False
charts.dimensions.divisor Collected value divisor, applied to convert it properly to units. 1 False

The security of an SNMPv3 message as per RFC 3414 (user.level):

String value Int value Description
none 1 no message authentication or encryption
authNoPriv 2 message authentication and no encryption
authPriv 3 message authentication and encryption

The digest algorithm for SNMPv3 messages that require authentication (user.auth_proto):

String value Int value Description
none 1 no message authentication
md5 2 MD5 message authentication (HMAC-MD5-96)
sha 3 SHA message authentication (HMAC-SHA-96)
sha224 4 SHA message authentication (HMAC-SHA-224)
sha256 5 SHA message authentication (HMAC-SHA-256)
sha384 6 SHA message authentication (HMAC-SHA-384)
sha512 7 SHA message authentication (HMAC-SHA-512)

The encryption algorithm for SNMPv3 messages that require privacy (user.priv_proto):

String value Int value Description
none 1 no message encryption
des 2 ES encryption (CBC-DES)
aes 3 128-bit AES encryption (CFB-AES-128)
aes192 4 192-bit AES encryption (CFB-AES-192) with “Blumenthal” key localization
aes256 5 256-bit AES encryption (CFB-AES-256) with “Blumenthal” key localization
aes192c 6 192-bit AES encryption (CFB-AES-192) with “Reeder” key localization
aes256c 7 256-bit AES encryption (CFB-AES-256) with “Reeder” key localization



In this example:

  • the SNMP device is
  • the SNMP version is 2.
  • the SNMP community is public.
  • we will update the values every 10 seconds.
  • we define 2 charts bandwidth_port1 and bandwidth_port2, each having 2 dimensions: in and out.

SNMPv1: just set options.version to 1. Note: the algorithm chosen is incremental, because the collected values show the total number of bytes transferred, which we need to transform into kbps. To chart gauges (e.g. temperature), use absolute instead.

  - name: switch
    update_every: 10
    community: public
      version: 2
      - id: "bandwidth_port1"
        title: "Switch Bandwidth for port 1"
        units: "kilobits/s"
        type: "area"
        family: "ports"
          - name: "in"
            oid: ""
            algorithm: "incremental"
            multiplier: 8
            divisor: 1000
          - name: "out"
            oid: ""
            multiplier: -8
            divisor: 1000
      - id: "bandwidth_port2"
        title: "Switch Bandwidth for port 2"
        units: "kilobits/s"
        type: "area"
        family: "ports"
          - name: "in"
            oid: ""
            algorithm: "incremental"
            multiplier: 8
            divisor: 1000
          - name: "out"
            oid: ""
            multiplier: -8
            divisor: 1000


To use SNMPv3:

  • use user instead of community.
  • set options.version to 3.

The rest of the configuration is the same as in the SNMPv1/2 example.

  - name: switch
    update_every: 10
      version: 3
      name: username
      level: authPriv
      auth_proto: sha256
      auth_key: auth_protocol_passphrase
      priv_proto: aes256
      priv_key: priv_protocol_passphrase

Multiply range

If you need to define many charts using incremental OIDs, you can use the charts.multiply_range option.

This is like the SNMPv1/2 example, but the option will multiply the current chart from 1 to 24 inclusive, producing 24 charts in total for the 24 ports of the switch

Each of the 24 new charts will have its id (1-24) appended at:

  • its chart unique id, i.e. bandwidth_port_1 to bandwidth_port_24.
  • its title, i.e. Switch Bandwidth for port 1 to Switch Bandwidth for port 24.
  • its oid (for all dimensions), i.e. dimension in will be to
  • its priority will be incremented for each chart so that the charts will appear on the dashboard in this order.
  - name: switch
    update_every: 10
    hostname: ""
    community: public
      version: 2
      - id: "bandwidth_port"
        title: "Switch Bandwidth for port"
        units: "kilobits/s"
        type: "area"
        family: "ports"
        multiply_range: [1, 24]
          - name: "in"
            oid: ""
            algorithm: "incremental"
            multiplier: 8
            divisor: 1000
          - name: "out"
            oid: ""
            multiplier: -8
            divisor: 1000

Multiple devices with a common configuration

YAML supports anchors. The & defines and names an anchor, and the * uses it. <<: *anchor means, inject the anchor, then extend. We can use anchors to share the common configuration for multiple devices.

The following example:

  • adds an anchor to the first job.
  • injects (copies) the first job configuration to the second and updates name and hostname parameters.
  • injects (copies) the first job configuration to the third and updates name and hostname parameters.
  - &anchor
    name: switch
    update_every: 10
    hostname: ""
    community: public
      version: 2
      - id: "bandwidth_port1"
        title: "Switch Bandwidth for port 1"
        units: "kilobits/s"
        type: "area"
        family: "ports"
          - name: "in"
            oid: ""
            algorithm: "incremental"
            multiplier: 8
            divisor: 1000
          - name: "out"
            oid: ""
            multiplier: -8
            divisor: 1000
  - <<: *anchor
    name: switch2
    hostname: ""
  - <<: *anchor
    name: switch3
    hostname: ""


The metrics that will be collected are defined in the configuration file.


There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.


Debug Mode

To troubleshoot issues with the snmp collector, run the go.d.plugin with the debug option enabled. The output should give you clues as to why the collector isn’t working.

  • Navigate to the plugins.d directory, usually at /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/. If that’s not the case on your system, open netdata.conf and look for the plugins setting under [directories].

    cd /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/
  • Switch to the netdata user.

    sudo -u netdata -s
  • Run the go.d.plugin to debug the collector:

    ./go.d.plugin -d -m snmp

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