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HPE Smart Arrays

HPE Smart Arrays

Plugin: go.d.plugin Module: hpssa


Monitors the health of HPE Smart Arrays by tracking the status of controllers, arrays, logical and physical drives in your storage system. It relies on the ssacli CLI tool but avoids directly executing the binary. Instead, it utilizes ndsudo, a Netdata helper specifically designed to run privileged commands securely within the Netdata environment. This approach eliminates the need to use sudo, improving security and potentially simplifying permission management.

Executed commands:

  • ssacli ctrl all show config detail

This collector is supported on all platforms.

This collector only supports collecting metrics from a single instance of this integration.

Default Behavior


This integration doesn’t support auto-detection.


The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.

Performance Impact

The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.



Install ssacli

See official installation instructions.



The configuration file name for this integration is go.d/ssacli.conf.

You can edit the configuration file using the edit-config script from the Netdata config directory.

cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
sudo ./edit-config go.d/ssacli.conf


The following options can be defined globally: update_every.

Name Description Default Required
update_every Data collection frequency. 10 no
timeout ssacli binary execution timeout. 2 no


Custom update_every

Allows you to override the default data collection interval.

  - name: hpssa
    update_every: 5  # Collect HPE Smart Array statistics every 5 seconds


Metrics grouped by scope.

The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.

Per controller

These metrics refer to the Controller.


Label Description
slot Slot number
model Controller model


Metric Dimensions Unit
hpssa.controller_status ok, nok status
hpssa.controller_temperature temperature Celsius
hpssa.controller_cache_module_presence_status present, not_present status
hpssa.controller_cache_module_status ok, nok status
hpssa.controller_cache_module_temperature temperature Celsius
hpssa.controller_cache_module_battery_status ok, nok status

Per array

These metrics refer to the Array.


Label Description
slot Slot number
array_id Array id
interface_type Array interface type (e.g. SATA)
array_type Array type (e.g. Data)


Metric Dimensions Unit
hpssa.array_status ok, nok status

Per logical drive

These metrics refer to the Logical Drive.


Label Description
slot Slot number
array_id Array id
logical_drive_id Logical Drive id (number)
disk_name Disk name (e.g. /dev/sda)
drive_type Drive type (e.g. Data)


Metric Dimensions Unit
hpssa.logical_drive_status ok, nok status

Per physical drive

These metrics refer to the Physical Drive.


Label Description
slot Slot number
array_id Array id or “na” if unassigned
logical_drive_id Logical Drive id or “na” if unassigned
location Drive location in port:box:bay format (e.g. 1I:1:1)
interface_type Drive interface type (e.g. SATA)
drive_type Drive type (e.g. Data Drive, Unassigned Drive)
model Drive model


Metric Dimensions Unit
hpssa.physical_drive_status ok, nok status
hpssa.physical_drive_temperature temperature status


There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.


Debug Mode

To troubleshoot issues with the hpssa collector, run the go.d.plugin with the debug option enabled. The output should give you clues as to why the collector isn’t working.

  • Navigate to the plugins.d directory, usually at /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/. If that’s not the case on your system, open netdata.conf and look for the plugins setting under [directories].

    cd /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/
  • Switch to the netdata user.

    sudo -u netdata -s
  • Run the go.d.plugin to debug the collector:

    ./go.d.plugin -d -m hpssa

Getting Logs

If you’re encountering problems with the hpssa collector, follow these steps to retrieve logs and identify potential issues:

  • Run the command specific to your system (systemd, non-systemd, or Docker container).
  • Examine the output for any warnings or error messages that might indicate issues. These messages should provide clues about the root cause of the problem.

System with systemd

Use the following command to view logs generated since the last Netdata service restart:

journalctl _SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID="$(systemctl show --value --property=InvocationID netdata)" --namespace=netdata --grep hpssa

System without systemd

Locate the collector log file, typically at /var/log/netdata/collector.log, and use grep to filter for collector’s name:

grep hpssa /var/log/netdata/collector.log

Note: This method shows logs from all restarts. Focus on the latest entries for troubleshooting current issues.

Docker Container

If your Netdata runs in a Docker container named “netdata” (replace if different), use this command:

docker logs netdata 2>&1 | grep hpssa

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