Upgrade your monitoring today.
Join the latest evolution of fully automated, integrated
and distributed monitoring systems.

Feel the pulse and breath of your infrastructure, predict failures, spot security issues and reduce downtime, like never before.


Feature comparison

Data Collection 1-second granularity, for all metrics, designed for troubleshooting emerging issues in real-time with high-fidelity data. Not real-time. Granularity varies per type of metric, and time frame, and is measured in minutes and not seconds.
Time to value Potentially just minutes. Designed for engineers, to be used immediately after installation. Typically weeks. Steep, challenging and sometimes a torture. You have to learn each and every metric, new workflows, and become an expert.
Dashboards Every single metric is visualized in meaningful, fully automated dashboards. Custom dashboards are supported but not necessary. Pre-packaged dashboards do not include every single metric. Building custom dashboards is time consuming and necessary.
Data Privacy Your data is stored at the source, your premises – we don’t store it, and can’t share it or sell it. Most commercial monitoring solutions store your data on their cloud and visualize them centrally.
Scalability and Flexibility Exceptional vertical and horizontal scalability while handling high data volume and velocity. Minimal traffic egress costs. Often struggles with scalability challenges such as high data volumes, resource constraints, and high traffic egress costs.
Community Netdata has an active and vibrant open source community and is one of the top starred projects on the CNCF landscape. Commercial solutions lack the diversity and vibrancy of OSS communities.
Cost of Ownership Cost-effective and transparent pricing. Zero hidden costs. Often carries hidden costs that increase the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over time.

Why engineers choose Netdata

  • Holistic 360 Observability

    Netdata’s distributed design allows ingesting, storing, retaining and querying vast amounts of data points, with unparalleled speed and efficiency.

    Netdata will happily monitor your entire infrastructure, all containers, all services, all processes, all connections, all protocols, all layers, and all applications, in high-resolution and in full-detail, with machine-learning based anomaly detection and real-time visualization!

    Netdata is leading the latest evolution of monitoring systems, the ones that endorse more input and higher fidelity, without sacrificing performance.

  • Machine-Learning & AI Assisting You Prevent & Minimize Downtime

    Netdata is powered with true machine-learning (not a hype) and A.I. based anomaly detection, for each and all data points ingested!

    Our state of the art unsupervised machine learning algorithms learn the patterns of your workloads and applications and automatically mark all data points collected as outliers, anomalous or not. Netdata dashboards surface this information on every chart, to help you spot anomalies quickly.

    Netdata also comes with a unique scoring engine that uses machine-learning to help you spot security issues or identify the root cause of problems, across your infrastructure.

  • Real-Time, High-Resolution, Low-Latency

    Per-second data collection for all metrics! 1-second latency from data collection to visualization!

    This means that you hit enter on a terminal to make a change, and 1 second later the result of your action is on Netdata dashboards.

    Netdata gives you instant feedback on your actions, helping you minimize downtime. With Netdata you can feel the pulse and the breath of your systems, applications and services.

  • For DevOps & Operations Teams

    At Netdata we recognize that IT monitoring is primarily a task for developers and operations teams, not data scientists.

    By employing advanced data science techniques, Netdata transforms complex data into clear and actionable insights. This approach allows you to focus on improving your operations rather than deciphering overwhelming data queries and statistical analysis algorithms.

    While traditional query editors assume users know exactly what to ask, Netdata flips this script. It aims to present answers first, guiding users to uncover the root causes of issues - an approach that reveals questions you might not know you needed to ask.

  • Instant Time-To-Value

    Install Netdata on your systems. 99% of the work is done!

    Auto-detection and auto-discovery of all data sources for both metrics and logs, hundreds of pre-configured and battle-tested alerts are automatically attached to your data checking for common errors and issues, unsupervised machine learning automatically learns the behavior of your workloads and applications detecting anomalies, fully automated infrastructure-wide dashboards correlate your data providing a fully integrated environment for your team to work, with slice and dice capabilities without learning a query language.

    What is missing? Invite your team. Check Netdata’s dynamic configuration for data sources that may need some assistance to be enabled (e.g. a password is missing to access a data source), customize alerts to your preference.

  • All-In-One Integrated Observability

    Netdata is one integrated software application you install on your servers. A single application covers all possible data sources for metrics, logs, synthetic checks and alerts, coupled with live information about your processes, your applications, your containers and their network connections.

    Netdata unifies your entire infrastructure at the dashboard level, so even when you have hundreds or thousands of independent Netdata installations, all of them become one uniform and highly integrated observability platform when you access Netdata dashboards.

  • Security Monitoring

    Netdata offers several mechanisms to improve your security posture and spot security incidents faster.

    The real-time, low-latency, high-resolution nature of Netdata enables surfacing security information in full detail and in real-time. Machine-learning will automatically spot abnormal conditions and help you quickly identify the components of your infrastructure affected. All your data is always stored on-prem, inside your servers, even when Netdata Cloud is used.

    When it comes to post-mortem analysis, Netdata uses systemd-journald for your logs, offering increased resilience and fault tolerance, additionally supporting Forward Secure Sealing (FSS) for protecting your data against tampering.

  • Hundreds of Integrations for Monitoring Everything

    Netdata is one integrated application, ready for immediate deployment, enabling 800+ integrations with support for auto-detection and auto-discovery of data sources, requiring zero configuration for most of them. Just one easy to manage moving part, allowing you to monitor everything you need and care, in real-time and high-resolution.

    Monitor everything about your systems and applications, including database servers (postgres, mysql / mariadb, MSSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, Couchbase, CoundDB, Memcached, Oracle DB, AWS RDS, SAP Hana, and many more), web servers and proxies (nginx, apache, Traefik, HAProxy, Envoy, Litespeed, and more), Message Brokers (Pulsar, Kafka, IBM MQ, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, and more), all container and VM technologies (Kubernetes, Docker, LXC/LCD, oVirt, KVM, libvirt, Proxmox, vShpere, and more), DNS Servers, CI/CD Platforms, AAA servers, CDN and Cloud provider managed infrastructure (AWS, GCP, Azure, Akamai, Alibaba, and more), IoT devices and complete hardware monitoring for all your physical servers.

  • A Watchdog for the Whole Infrastructure

    Netdata provides a suite of out-of-the-box alerts tailored to immediate monitoring needs, along with multiple notification methods.

    Alerts in Netdata are attached to individual components, like disks, network interfaces, containers, processes, shared resources usage, for detecting errors, starvation, congestion, abnormal workloads, security issues. When Netdata encounters a new component, it automatically attaches the right alerts to it, ensuring that all components across the infrastructure are watched for errors, performance and security issues.

    This provides a bottom-up approach to monitoring, where the health of each component individually, ensures the overall health of the service, and it also provides guidance under crisis, by pinpointing the components that face difficulties.

  • Decentralized for Optimal Cost, Performance and Scalability

    Observability ingests vast amounts of data, so it becomes expensive to run in high-resolution, and maintaing long retention, especially at scale.

    Centralized architectures in traditional monitoring tools are affected significantly, so they must lower the data collection frequency (lower resolution), cherry pick the information they collect (fewer data sources), or increase their cost of ownership (or prices for the commercial ones).

    Netdata’s distributed model decouples granularity (resolution) and cardinality (number of data sources) from the cost structure of observability, allowing for virtually infinite scalability, high granularity, extreme cardinality and long retention, without the associated cost surge. This means that Netdata's cost of ownership is unparalleled in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is decentralized or distributed monitoring? Other soluttions claim this too. How is Netdata different?

All monitoring solutions are distributed as far as data collection is concerned. So, all solutions provide some kind of agents or probes, which are installed across the infrastructure, to collect observability data.

Traditional monitoring solutions however process and store all this data at a central place. So, their agents and probes are simple relays that send all monitoring data to the central location, which processes, analyses and stores this data. This central place is responsible for providing all the monitoring functions, including retention, dashboards and alerts. When centralizing data like this, monitoring systems face scalability issues. Their central component needs to ingest, process and store all the data from the whole infrastructure, and therefore to control the compute power and storage required, they have to lower the data collection resolution, cherry pick the most important data sources, and lower retention.

Netdata on other hand, builds observability pipelines like lego blocks. Each agent installed is a complete monitoring solution, distributing the processing and storage of the observability data across the infrastructure. Users have the flexibility to run their infrastructure without any centralization points, or with multiple smaller and independent centralization points, based on their operational needs. This removes the bottleneck from the observability pipeline, decoupling granularity and cardinality from scalability, allowing Netdata to ingest data in high resolution from all possible sources. The cost of running Netdata is significantly lower, by avoiding data in transit and using compute resources that are already available and spare, while providing the best fidelity of insights.

How does Netdata's approach to real-time data collection compare to other monitoring solutions in the industry?

Netdata sets a standard in the industry with per-second data collection for all metrics that allow it, ensuring real-time systems and applications performance monitoring. This contrasts with many monitoring solutions where data intervals range from 10 to 60 seconds, leading to less immediate insights and potentially delayed issue resolution.

Netdata's data collection to visualization latency is less than 1-second. So, changes to the infrastructure are immediately reflected on the dashboards, independently of the infrastructure size. This is crucial during crisis, where the effects of your actions need to be verified immediately, reducing the time to resolution significantly.

What differentiates Netdata's monitoring strategy from typical industry practices?

Unlike many tools that recommend cherry-picking metrics, Netdata provides comprehensive monitoring by default. Every metric collected is automatically visualized, ensuring critical data is readily available, especially during urgent situations like system outages.

How does Netdata ensure actionable insights over data overload?

Netdata employs advanced data science techniques to transform complex data into clear, actionable insights. This approach is tailored for IT teams and developers, focusing on issue resolution and intuitive understanding, rather than overwhelming them with raw data.

What makes Netdata's dashboards more intuitive compared to traditional industry solutions?

Netdata offers opinionated dashboards with built-in knowledge, aiding users in understanding their system metrics without requiring extensive expertise. This contrasts with many traditional tools that often require users to have in-depth knowledge of metrics for effective monitoring.

How does Netdata simplify the user experience compared to standard query-based monitoring tools?

Netdata reverses the typical approach of query editors by providing answers first, guiding users to the root causes of issues. This intuitive solution helps uncover critical questions that users might not even realize they need to ask.

What advantages does Netdata offer with its pre-configured dashboards and alerts?

Netdata eliminates the time-consuming setup of dashboards and alerts common in the industry. It offers pre-configured, out-of-the-box solutions tailored for standard systems and applications, enabling immediate and effective monitoring without manual configuration.

In terms of scalability and cost, how does Netdata compare to other monitoring tools?

Netdata’s decentralized architecture enables infinite scalability without significant cost increases, a stark contrast to the centralized models of traditional tools which can lead to bottlenecks and escalating costs. This model ensures that Netdata remains cost-effective and scalable for organizations of any size.

The opinions and comparative evaluations expressed and displayed on these pages reflect Netdata's good faith, technical evaluation of various third party products and services, and are intended to represent an accurate comparison of "material, relevant, verifiable and representative features" of Netdata products with those of such third parties. Our technical assessments are provided for use by our Website visitors as a source of general information and is not intended to serve as a definitive buyers-guide or to fully depict or communicate all material differences between our products and those of third parties. You should perform your own evaluation and assessment before you purchase any software products or services. We disclaim all liabilities to you or to any third parties for any decisions you make based on viewing our Website competitor information.

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